Anti-Aging aims to:
In contrast with the literal translation of the word, anti-aging is not about stopping the aging process but rather to adapt it in order to sublimate it and get it accepted more easily.
"Prevention is better than cure" is the right attitude that you should adopt from a very young age so as to preserve your youth to the maximum:
At the age of 40, it is possible to make a clinic and laboratory assessment that will determine your "biological age"; this will be compared to your actual age so that you may be advised on a subsequent "anti-aging" support.
A balanced diet is a basic foundation of the Anti-aging:
Definition: Platelet rich plasma, or PRP, is defined as a suspension of platelets in plasma, characterised by a platelet concentration which is higher than the concentration of the original blood collected.
It is obtained by centrifuging a tube, syringe or pouch containing whole blood, generally collected at the elbow groove. Formed blood elements (erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets) are separated from the plasma according to their different densities. PRP is obtained by collecting the plasma phase and platelets, which have the lowest densities (see Figure below).
Mechanism of action: The interest of PRP in regenerative medicine is due to the presence of many growth factors in platelet alpha-granules. The term "growth factors" includes many polypeptides involved not only in cellular growth phenomena, but also in other important physiological processes, namely in wound healing, where they coordinate various stages via complex interrelations, at extremely low concentrations, at the in vitro picogram level.
Other proposed techniques sometimes (fils d'or, carboxy therapy lipotomy, radio frequency, fils crantés) not only have never proven their effectiveness but are often responsible for serious complications (see
The skin decreases in thickness and grows hollow, initially creating ridges, which then turn into wrinkles.
Little wrinkles are treated by various chemical agents: peelings or by Laser; specific creams and food complements improve the results.
The injections not very painful, are carried out after a thorough examination of the face. Their effect last from 4 to 6 months at the beginning, to then increase from 8 to 10 months after about ten injections. Their results start appearing as from the 4th day.
If they are deep or not accessible to botulinic toxin, we use filling products or 'fillers', whose main biodegradable form is hyaluronic acid - their lifespan is 12 to 24 months depending on the degree of reticulation.
Their injections are made under local anaesthesia with immediate results.
Photorejuvenation - technique of renewal of the skin which uses the Yag Laser, but which does not have any side effect (redness, pain). 5 to 6 30-min sessions are carried out, at intervals of 15 days.
Fighting against the effects of surface cutaneous aging which
They can be corrected by lipostructure (grafting of fatty tissue) or injection of an adequately filling product (AQUAMID SVBG) which are stable for a period of 16 months.
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